Rocket Spanish Scam or Excellent Product?

Are you hesitating to buy Rocket Spanish because of a possible scam?

My Experience With A New Job And The Necessity To Learn Spanish

Let me tell you my story. I bought the product after applying for a job where Spanish language was a must, but that is the really short story. At first, I tried to learn the language by myself and after some days of trying that, it was completely obvious that this path would be extremely tedious, boring and I will quit from that goal if I continued, so I made a decision to buy some digital product to help me learn Spanish fast.

After reading a lot of web pages I found the Rocket Spanish course and I hesitated at first, but finally I bought the product because one little detail: The product is sold through Clickbank which is a very large payment processor that ALWAYS honors refunds, without questions, so I was completely confident that I could test out the product to see if this fits with my learning goals and if I didn't liked, then I could return it to get my money back. Clickbank also has very strict rules for merchants selling their products, so if the product is still on sale; it is obvious that is a good product (no product survives much with a 100% percent money back guarantee if it is bad).

One thing that also was interesting about the program was its price. The price of Rocket Spanish is considerably less than other programs if you accept to download the digital version of the product. The normal price is: $299, but with the digital version, you will get it for a really cheap price of $99.

The Learning Process With Rocket Spanish

While learning a new language, it is very good to be guided and this is critical in the initial stages of your learning. Rocket Spanish does a great job offering games, quizzes and many tools that are fun, because one of the things that stopped me from learning other languages in the past was because the process tends to be very boring (and I heard that one of the systems that I was evaluating called "Rosetta Stone" was comprehensive, but super boring).

How I Used The Product

I used the program for two hours every day and found that it is very easy to learn very fast without getting bored because it include games and audio tracks which keep you entertained, certainly it is a very good thing that Mauricio Evlampieff and Amy Waterman are good teachers.

My progress was fast and after 3 weeks I started working at my new job and I could understand almost all the things that were spoken by my Spanish colleagues at work and next I tried to listen to difficult Spanish songs like "Danza Kuduro" (which by the way is an extremely good way to learn words, jargon and pronunciation and it is super entertaining).

But still I was not prepared for that. (Warning!! This song has many Spanish but also has some also Portuguese). This is the lyrics for the Spanish part of this song:

Las manos arriba
Cintura sola
Da media vuelta
Danza kuduro
No te canses ahora
Que esto solo empieza
Mueve la cabeza
Danza kuduro
Las manos arriba
Cintura sola
Da media vuelta
Danza kuduro
No te canses ahora
Que esto solo empieza
Mueve la cabeza
Danza kuduro
Quien puede domar la fuerza del mar
Que se mete por tus venas
Lo caliente del sol que se te metió
Y no te deja quieta nena
Quien puede parar eso que al bailar
Descontrola tus caderas sexy
Y ese fuego que quema por dentro
Y lento te convierte en fiera
Con las manos arriba
Cintura sola
Da media vuelta
Y sacude duro
No te quites ahora
Que esto solo empieza
Mueve la cabeza

After 6 weeks I was really prepared. I listened to this Spanish song and understood it most of it and that was a real success.

By now, you should know that there is no Rocket Spanish scam and this program is a very good investment for your money.

However, this program doesn't make miracles, you have to put the time and effort to make it work but you will not get bored and that is the best thing about this program. No program will do the work for you and you should work very hard to achieve your goals, if not, you will probably lose your money.

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